Misc. Objects > VOTE

“VOTE” started out as a political statement and evolved from there. Presented here is a “relic” from this project. I had a rubber stamp made to mimic the “one” lettering on the one dollar bill. I then overstamped the word VOTE on the bill and proceeded to spend the money, circulating the idea and hopefully thoughts about voting and money. This project will end with the presidential elections in November 2008.

I first started out thinking about the upcoming presidential elections.
America’s average voter turnout since 1968 is only 54% of eligible registered voters. The only countries with lower turnout rates are Switzerland and Poland. Australia’s turnout is an amazing 95%! Low voting rates means that the few that do vote wield greater power over who gets elected and their policies.

Money drives the political machine. It takes money to get elected these days. Lots of money. It is safe to say that money drives the system. Big donors to political campaigns get access to candidates and can influence policy. Those of us who do not donate to politicians (it only encourages them) or cannot give the kind of money that gets attention, have less and less say in the process.

The last evolution of “VOTE” grew out of the second in that those who give to political candidates are “voting” with their dollars. This prompted me to think about the economic impact of money. We all vote with our money. Do you patronize the “Big Box” hardware store or the local Mom and Pop hardware store? “Big Box” retailer or the locally owned department store? By “voting “ with our dollars we are encouraging these big box retailers to move in and drive out the local independently owned retailers. We are giving up our economic power to a corporation who is not as responsive to local trends and needs, who has no real roots in the community, and who will eventually dictate what merchandise and / or brands will be available to us.

As a country and consumers we are only as good as those we “VOTE” for. If we give it away or fail to exercise its power prudently we are doomed to mediocrity.

Spend your money wisely.

One dollar bill, Rubber stamp, Ink, Wood, Glass
10"h X 8"w
One dollar bill, Rubber stamp, Ink
2.5"h X 6"w
One dollar bills, Rubber stamp, Ink
2.5"h X 6"w