Taking It Off The Chin
This piece was a direct response to a particulary harsh critique. The theme is based on a pun on the phrase “Taking it on the Chin”.
I decided to change my art style and my physical image. I also wanted to try something conceptual, a style that I have not always been comfortable with or fond of.
In the past I have used canning jars to preserve the detritus of the creative process. This time they are used to preserve and become the creative process.
The first jar is filled with pictures of the beard and the different styles / fun I had with it. The second jar is filled with the beard trimmings, a preservation of how long the beard got, the longest I have ever grown it.
The third jar is filled with pictures of the removal process.
The pictures are done in a photo-booth style, formerly a photographic novelty getting harder to find. It is currently enjoying a renaissance in Los Angeles and New York. Andy Warhol used photo-booth strips in some of his celebrity portraits.